Through two decades of bitter experience what we have learned here in
Marin County, the so-called birth place of mountain biking, is that
this sport is destructive to the environment and incompatible with
other park users. While it may not be immediately apparent, wildlife
is adversely impacted by vast numbers of cyclists who, by virtue of the
mechanical advantage their bikes afford, are able to penetrate deep
into sensitive wildlife habitats that, through their otherwise isolated
nature, provide safe haven for countless species that cannot coexist in
close proximity to people. The continued wear on trails by bicycle
traffic is particularly destructive owing to the fact that once
tolerated, the sport draws people not only from the immediate locale,
but from communities far distant. Here in Marin, on any given week
end, and even week day, cyclists routinely come to ride our trails from
as far away as San José and Sacramento, 63 and 86 miles miles away. As
a consequence, the flow of wheeled traffic on trails becomes massive
and the erosion it causes is often destructive beyond the parks’
ability to repair. Worse, once cyclists were granted access to a park’s
trails, they typically refused to abide by regulations meant to govern
them and minimize their impacts. Speed limits are considered a joke.
Illegal trail building has become rampant in the San Francisco Bay
Area, with literally hundreds of trees and their associated undergrowth
destroyed by cyclists dissatisfied with any limits placed upon them by
park management. Arrests, convictions and fines levied against mountain
bikers caught in the act have not stopped this pernicious activity.
Aside from these impacts, mountain biking has also caused numerous
accidents to horseback riders whose mounts, frightened by speeding
bikes appearing out of nowhere, have sometimes bolted and thrown their
riders. Because people on foot are usually able to get out of the way,
cyclists often do not make an effort to avoid them, but with shouts of
"commin’ through," simply run them off the trail. Those who fail to
make way often find themselves in ugly confrontations with gangs of
abusive cyclists, some of which have been violent. The long term
result is that other park users, finding their park experience
increasingly distasteful, eventually are displaced. China Camp State
Park is a classic example. While some of its trails are reserved for
equestrian and foot traffic, all have been taken over by mountain
cyclists. Speed limits are unobserved. Hikers and equestrians seldom
visit the park anymore; it has become a de facto mountain bike park.
I implore you to reconsider opening any portion of the park to the
sport of mountain biking.
Frank Lurz