Michael J. Wisdom Research Wildlife Biologist

USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station

Forestry and Range Sciences Laboratory

1401 Gekeler Lane, La Grande, Oregon 97850

Phone (541-962-6532), fax (541-962-6504), Email mwisdom@fs.fed.us

Alan A. Ager

Operations Research Analyst

USDA Forest Service Umatilla National Forest

2517 Hailey Ave., Pendleton, OR 97801

Phone (541-278-3740) fax (541-278-3730)

Email aager@fs.fed.us

Haiganoush K. Preisler


USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station

800 Buchanan St., Albany, CA 94710

Phone (510-559-6484), fax (510-559-6440)

Email hpreisler@fs.fed.us

Norman J. Cimon

Systems Analyst

USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station

Forestry and Range Sciences Laboratory

1401 Gekeler Lane, La Grande, Oregon 97850

Phone (541-962-6551), fax (541-962-6504)

Email ncimon@fs.fed.us

Bruce K. Johnson

Starkey Project Leader

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

Forestry and Range Sciences Laboratory

1401 Gekeler Lane, La Grande, Oregon 97850

Phone (541-962-6556), fax (541-962-6504) Email johnsobd@eou.edu

Suggested Citation:

Wisdom, M. J., H. K. Preisler, N. J. Cimon, B. K. Johnson. 2004. Effects

of Off-Road Recreation on Mule Deer and Elk. Transactions of the North

American Wildlife and Natural Resource Conference 69: in press. Wisdom

et al. 2

Effects of Off-Road Recreation on Mule Deer and Elk

Michael J. Wisdom

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest

Research Station

La Grande, Oregon

Alan A. Ager

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Umatilla National Forest

Pendleton, Oregon

Haiganoush K. Preisler

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest

Research Station

Berkeley, California

Norman J. Cimon

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest

Research Station

La Grande, Oregon

Bruce K. Johnson

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

La Grande


Off-road recreation is increasing rapidly in the United States,

especially on public lands (Havlick 2002, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Forest Service 2004). An expansive network of roads provides easy access

to many public lands, which facilitates off-road uses in the form of

all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), horses, mountain bikes, and foot traffic.

No research, however, has evaluated effects of these off-road activities

on vertebrate species in a comparative and experimental manner (see

review by Gaines et al. 2003). One recent study (Taylor and Knight

2003a) evaluated bison (Bison bison), pronghorn (Antilocapra americana),

and mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) responses to mountain biking and

hiking. This study, however, did not include ATV or horseback riding,

nor did it include experimental controls needed to assess cause-effect


To address these knowledge gaps, we initiated a manipulative, landscape

experiment in 2002 to measure effects of off-road recreation on mule

deer and elk (Cervus elaphus), two charismatic species of keen

recreational, social, and economic interest across western North

America. Our objectives were to (1) document cause-effect relations of

ATV, horseback, mountain bike, and hiking activities on deer and elk,

using these off-road activities as experimental treatments and periods

of no human activity as experimental controls; (2) measure effects with

response variables that index changes in animal or population

performance, such as movement rates, flight responses, resource

selection, spatial distributions, and use of foraging versus security

areas; (3) use these response variables to estimate the energetic and

nutritional costs associated with each activity and the resultant

effects on deer and elk survival; and (4) interpret results for

recreation management.

Our research began in 2002 and ends in 2004. In this paper, we present

findings from 2002 to address parts of objectives 1, 2, and 4. We

specifically focus on changes in movement rates and flight responses of

mule deer and elk in relation to the off-road activities, as compared to

periods of no human activity. We then describe potential uses of the

results for recreation management.

We present findings from our first year of study because of the urgent

need for timely management information to address the rapid growth in

off-road recreation (U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service

2004). For example, ATV use on public lands has increased seven-fold

during Wisdom et al. 3

the past 20 years, and many conservation groups are calling for

widespread restrictions on ATV travel (U.S. Department of Agriculture

Forest Service 2004). Yet no studies have evaluated the role of ATVs

compared to other off-road activities, such as mountain biking and

horseback riding, which also are increasing rapidly. Without

comprehensive studies of ATV effects in relation to other recreation,

the debate over ATV is likely to intensify. Our study was designed to

measure a variety of ungulate responses to address this debate, such

that results can be used to identify compatible mixes of different

off-road recreational opportunities in relation to deer and elk


Throughout our paper, we refer to off-road recreation, both motorized

and non-motorized, as that occurring on trails, primitive (unpaved)

roads, or areas without trails or roads. This definition complements the

term "off-highway vehicle (OHV) use," which refers to motorized vehicle

use on any surface beyond highways (U.S. Department of Agriculture

Forest Service 2004), but which does not include other forms of

non-winter recreation that typically occur on primitive roads and

trails, such as hiking, horseback riding, and mountain biking.

Study Area and Technologies

We conducted our research at the Starkey Experimental Forest and Range

(Starkey, Figure 1) in northeast Oregon, a facility equipped to evaluate

real-time and landscape-level responses of deer and elk to human

activities under controlled experimentation (Rowland et al. 1997, Wisdom

et al. 2004a). The facility encompasses spring, summer, and fall ranges

typical of those used by mule deer and elk in the western United States.

Timber harvest, livestock grazing, motorized traffic, hunting, camping

and other public uses of Starkey also are managed like those on National

Forests in the western United States, thus providing a large inference

space for research findings (Rowland et al. 1997, Wisdom et al. 2004a).

An essential research component at Starkey is the ungulate-proof

enclosure, one of the largest in the world, which allows scientists to

evaluate ungulate responses to human activities over large areas and

under controlled conditions (Bryant et al. 1993, Rowland et al. 1997).

Another key technology is the automated tracking system (ATS), which can

generate up to one animal location every 20 seconds, 24 hours a day,

from April through December each year (Rowland et al. 1997, Kie et al.

2004). Additional technologies include maps and databases of more than

100 environmental variables to relate animal movements to the landscape

experiments, and supporting methods and software to analyze these data

(Rowland et al. 1997, 1998).

Implementing the Recreation Treatments

To meet our objectives, a network of off-road transects was established

and run in 2002, using ATV, horseback, mountain bike, and hiking

activities as experimental treatments in the 3,590-acre (1,453-ha)

northeast study area (Figure 1). Approximately 20 miles (32 km) of

transects were established (Figure 1), over which ATV, horseback,

mountain bike, and foot traffic was experimentally applied from

mid-April through October. Locations of each transect were established

with Global Positioning System (GPS) units (Figure 1). Transects were

located on flat or moderate terrain typically used by off-road

activities. Primitive roadbeds, like those often established by off-road

vehicles (U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service 2004), were

included in the transects. Use of roadbeds and trails to implement human

activities is referred to as a "tangential" experimental approach

because animals are not targeted directly by the activities (Taylor and

Knight 2003b). This is in contrast to a direct experimental approach,

such as testing the reaction of nesting birds to designed encounters

with humans at nest sites.

A sufficient number and length of transects were established to

encompass all portions of the northeast study area (Figure 1). Each

off-road activity was run on a given transect twice daily, once in the

morning and once in the afternoon, during a 5-day period; this daily

frequency of activity corresponds to traffic frequency on Starkey roads

that produced an avoidance response by elk in earlier research (Wisdom

1998, Wisdom et al. 2004b). Wisdom et al. 4

A particular activity for a given morning or afternoon was completed by

one to three people who rode ATVs ("four-wheelers" or "quads"), mountain

bikes, or horses, or hiked as a group. On most days, group size

consisted of two people moving as a pair; that is, by two people hiking

or each riding ATVs, mountain bikes, or horses. A group size of two,

with a range of one to three people, often is typical for these

recreation activities in non-wilderness portions of National Forests

(personal communication, D. Barrett, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest).

Group size can vary substantially, however, with larger groups of 5-10

ATV riders or horseback riders, for instance. We had neither the

resources nor the experimental options to include these larger groups as

treatments in our study. Moreover, group size of mountain bikers and

hikers often does not approach 5-10 people, and we wanted to maintain

approximately the same group size across all four activities. A group

size of two people, with a range of one to three people, provided this


For ATV travel, a pair of riders could easily cover the 20 miles (32 km)

of transects during a given morning or afternoon. A pair of mountain

bike riders, however, could cover about 50 percent of the 20 miles (32

km) in a morning or afternoon. Horseback riders and hikers could cover

about 30 percent. Because we wanted to standardize the experiment by the

same number of transect runs or "passes" (twice daily) among all four

off-road activities, two different groups of mountain bikers, and three

groups of horseback riders or hikers, were used to obtain complete

coverage of transects for a given morning or afternoon. For mountain

biking, the transects were divided in half, with each of the two groups

assigned to ride a different half of the 20 miles (32 km) in a morning

or afternoon. Similarly, three groups of horseback riders or hikers,

each assigned to hike a different third of the transect length, were

used for each morning and afternoon to obtain complete coverage of


Each of the four off-road activities was implemented under an

"interrupted" movement design, where humans were allowed to momentarily

stop to view animals for less than 1 minute when animals were observed.

This is in contrast to a "continuous" movement design, where human

activities are not delayed or stopped when animals are observed (Taylor

and Knight 2003b).

Each 5-day period of off-road activity was followed by a 9-day control

period, during which no human activities occurred in the study area.

This pattern was followed from mid-April through October, resulting in

three replicates of each of the four off-road activities. Each 5-day

replicate of an off-road activity thus was paired with a 9-day control

period that immediately followed the replicate. Only one type of

off-road activity (ATV, horseback, mountain bike, or hiking) occurred on

transects during a given 5-day replicate. The chronological order of

each off-road activity, in terms of which activity occurred during the

first 5-day replicate in late April, versus the next 5-day replicate in

early May, and so on, was randomly chosen.

Throughout the experiment, all human entry beyond the four off-road

activities, including administrative use of roads, was prohibited to

eliminate the confounding effects of other human activities with animal

response to the off-road activities. Consequently, human activities such

as timber harvest, road traffic, camping, and hunting did not occur

during the study because of their confounding effects.

Measuring Animal Responses

To monitor animal responses, 12 female mule deer and 12 female elk were

radio-collared among a larger population of approximately 25 female deer

and 100 female elk present in the northeast study area in early April.

Movements of these radio-collared animals were monitored with the ATS

(Rowland et al. 1997). During periods of off-road activity, locations of

each radio-collard deer or elk were generated at approximately 10-minute

intervals. Locations of humans engaged in each off-road activity were

generated at approximately 1-minute intervals, using GPS units carried

by one of the persons in each group of hikers or riders of ATVs, horses,

or mountain bikes. Use of the automated telemetry system to track animal

movements, combined with the use of GPS units to track human movements,

provided real-time, unbiased estimates of the distances between each

ungulate and group of humans.

Our method of estimating distances between ungulates and humans

contrasts strongly with the use of direct observation, using

rangefinders or other devices, to measure distances. Direct observation

as Wisdom et al. 5

a means of estimating distances between ungulates and humans is likely

to be biased by the proportion of deer or elk whose reactions to human

activities cannot be observed because such reactions are different than

those of animals that can be observed. For example, some animals may run

from human activity at distances beyond the view of observers, while

other animals may react at close distances to, and in view of,

observers. This bias in observed distances would result in

underestimation of the true distance at which animals react to the human

activity. In other cases, animals may flee from humans at close

distances, but not be viewed because such animals seek dense cover

during flight; this bias would result in overestimation of distances. We

avoided such biases with the use of our automated telemetry system and

GPS units to continuously monitor the movements of ungulates and humans

throughout our study.

We also located radio-collared animals during the 9-day periods of no

human activity, or control period. Approximately two locations of each

radio-collared animal were obtained every hour during control periods,

to establish baseline information about areas of deer and elk use,

habitat selection, movement rates, and flight responses in the absence

of human activities. For this paper, we analyzed two types of animal

reactions: (1) movement rate and (2) probability of flight response. We

evaluated movement rate and probability of flight response because both

can ultimately be used to estimate the energetic costs of animal

reactions to off-road activities (see Conclusions and Interpretations).

Estimating Movement Rates

We defined movement rate as the speed of animal movement (yards

moved/minute), as estimated hourly, 24 hours per day, for a given

species, treatment, and control period. We calculated the speed of

animal movement for each radio-collared deer or elk for each pair of

successive locations; that is, the horizontal distance between two

successive locations divided by the elapsed time between locations (Ager

et al. 2003). Each measurement of animal speed for a given

radio-collared animal was assigned to the time recorded for the first

location of each pair of animal locations used in the calculation.

Only successive locations with consistent elapsed times were included in

the calculation of movement rates to eliminate the bias of excessively

short and long elapsed times. Short elapsed times (less than 5 minutes)

between locations falsely inflate the movement rate because of random

location errors in the ATS over such short time periods (Findholt et al.

1996, 2002). Long elapsed times (e.g., greater than 35 minutes) between

locations allow animals to move back and forth between the documented

locations, thus biasing the estimate of movement rate downward (Ager et

al. 2003).

To estimate overall patterns of movement rates for each species, rates

calculated for each individual radio-collared animal were averaged among

all animals, for mule deer and for elk, by hourly interval, for each

off-road treatment and the paired control period that immediately

followed that treatment. For this analysis, we minimized random

variation by summarizing results across each 5-day treatment and across

each subsequent 9-day control. We did this after exploratory plots of

data provided no evidence of change in movement rates of animals from

day one through day five of each treatment period, or for day one

through nine of each control period, as examined on an hourly basis. We

then pooled hourly results for each species across the three replicates

of each off-road activity, and across control periods, after finding no

evidence of differences in like replicates across time, or in control

periods across time.

Estimating Probabilities of a Flight Response

We used a stimulus response model to estimate the probability of a

flight response by a deer or elk with changing distance between each

animal and off-road activity. We defined a flight response as the speed

of animal movement, or movement rate, that exceeded the 95th percentile

of all deer or elk speeds calculated for each hour from data collected

during the control periods. Specifically, a flight response was any

animal movement for a given hour of day that exceeded the 95th

percentile of all deer or elk speeds calculated for that same hour of

day during the paired 9-day control period that immediately followed a

given 5-day period of off-road activity. Thus by definition, when no

stimulus was present (no human Wisdom et al. 6

activity), a deer or elk would register a response (i.e., travel at

speeds greater than the 95th percentile of all deer or elk speeds for

that hour during the control period) 5 percent of the time.

Probabilities of response were estimated using logistic regression

within the generalized additive model framework (Hastie and Tibshirani


Each estimated probability of a flight response for a given

radio-collared animal was linked to the estimated distance between that

animal and each group of humans conducting an off-road activity, thus

allowing an examination of how probabilities changed with distance

between animals and humans. As with our analyses of movement rates, we

pooled the probability data for each species across the three replicates

of each off-road activity, and across control periods. We pooled data

after initial analyses showed that results for deer and elk were similar

across the three replicates of each off-road activity, and across all

control periods.

Movement Rates of Elk

Movement rates of elk were substantially higher during periods of all

four off-road activities as compared to periods of no human activity

(Figure 2). Responses of elk to the morning and afternoon runs were

clearly evident, with the most pronounced increase in movement rates

observed during the hours when each off-road activity occurred (Figure

2). For example, our morning pass on transects began between 0830 and

0930 Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), and highest movement rates for elk

occurred in the hours immediately after, from 0900-1100, during all four

activities (Figure 2). Moreover, lunch break for participants in the

experiment occurred at or near noon, and movement rates for elk dipped

to their lowest level at noon during all activities. Finally, we resumed

each activity at 1230-1300 PDT, and movement rates for elk substantially

increased immediately after (Figure 2).

Movement rates were substantially higher for elk during the morning pass

compared to the afternoon pass for all four activities (Figure 2).

Movement rates of elk during the afternoon pass, however, stayed well

above the rates observed during the periods of no human activity

(control period, Figure 2). Movement rates during the afternoon pass

declined after 1500 PDT, when afternoon activities ended.

For the morning pass, movement rates of elk were highest during ATV

riding, second-highest during mountain bike riding, and lowest during

hiking and horseback riding (Figure 2). Movement rates of elk also

stayed higher, over a longer period, during the afternoon ATV run,

compared to lower rates during afternoon horseback riding, mountain bike

riding, and hiking. Peak movement rates of elk during the morning pass

were highest for ATV riding (21 yards/minute [19 m/min]), followed by

mountain bike riding (17 yards/minute [16 m/min]) and horseback riding

and hiking (both about 15 yards/minute [14 m/min]). For the afternoon

run, movement rates of elk again were highest during ATV riding (13

yards/minute [12 m/min]), followed by horseback riding (about 11

yards/minute [10 m/min]) and hiking and mountain bike riding (about 10

yards/minute [9 m/min]).

By contrast, peak movement rates of elk during the control periods did

not exceed 9 yards/minute (8 m/min). Moreover, peak movement rates

during the control periods stayed below 8 yards/minute (7 m/min) during

daylight hours of 0800-1500, the comparable period of each day when

off-road treatments were implemented.

Interestingly, movement rates of elk also were higher than control

periods at times encompassing sunrise and sunset for the days in which

an off-road activity occurred, even though humans were not present at

these times of day (Figure 2). These higher movement rates near sunrise

and sunset suggest that elk were displaced from preferred security and

foraging areas as a result of flight behavior during the daytime

off-road activities. In particular, movement rates of elk at or near

sunrise and sunset were higher during the 5-day treatments of mountain

bike and ATV activity (Figure 2). This finding will be studied in detail

in future analyses. Wisdom et al. 7

Flight Responses of Elk

The estimated probability of elk flight from a human disturbance was

highly dependent on distance. When elk and humans were close to one

another, the maximum probability of a flight response was approximately

0.65 during ATV, mountain bike, and hiking activity, and about 0.55

during horseback riding (Figure 3). Higher probabilities of flight

response occurred during ATV and mountain bike activity, in contrast to

lower probabilities observed during hiking and horseback riding (Table

1). Probability of a flight response declined most rapidly during

hiking, with little effect when hikers were beyond 550 yards (500 m)

from an elk. By contrast, higher probabilities of elk flight continued

beyond 820 yards (750 m) from horseback riders, and 1,640 yards (1,500

m) from mountain bike and ATV riders (Figure 3).

Movement Rates of Deer

In contrast to elk, mule deer showed less change in movement rates

during the four off-road activities compared to the control periods

(Figure 4). During the period of day from 0800 to1500 when off-road

activities occurred, movement rates of deer during ATV riding were

similar to rates during control periods. By contrast, daytime movement

rates of deer were higher, as compared to control periods, during

mountain bike riding, horseback riding, and hiking, especially in the

morning (Figure 4).

Interestingly, the increased movement rates observed for elk near

sunrise and sunset also were evident for mule deer. Movement rates at

these times were particularly high during all four activities as well as

during the control periods, suggesting that these times were peak

foraging periods (Ager et al. 2003).

Flight Responses of Deer

Estimated probabilities of flight response for mule deer were similar

among all four activities versus control periods (Table 1, Figure 5).

These probabilities were nearly identical among all four activities and

not significantly different than the null probability of 0.05 set for

control periods, suggesting that deer were not exhibiting the same

tendency for flight as shown by elk in relation to off-road activities

(Table 1).

Conclusions and Interpretations


Movement rates and probabilities of flight response for elk were

substantially higher during all four off-road activities compared to

control periods of no human activity. Consequently, off-road

recreational activities like those evaluated in our study appear to have

a substantial effect on elk behavior. The energetic costs associated

with these treatments deserve further analysis to assess potential

effects on elk survival. For example, if the additional energy required

to flee from an off-road activity reduces the percent body fat of elk

below 9 percent as animals enter the winter period, the probability of

surviving the winter is extremely low (Cook et al. 2004). Animal energy

budgets also may be adversely affected by the loss of foraging

opportunities while responding to off-road activities, both from

increased movements, and from displacement from foraging habitat. These

potential effects will be evaluated as part of future analyses.

Our results from 2002 also show clear differences in elk responses to

the four off-road activities. Elk reactions were more pronounced during

ATV and mountain bike riding, and less so during horseback riding and

hiking. Both movement rates and probabilities of flight responses were

higher for ATV and mountain bike riding than for horseback riding and

hiking. Wisdom et al. 8

Interestingly, the maximum probability of flight was approximately 0.65

for the treatments, meaning that about 35 percent of the time elk did

not exhibit a flight response when close to an off-road activity. Most

likely the response depends on local topography, cover, and other

factors that we have not yet analyzed as part of our flight response

model. Future work will include terrain and vegetation measures as

covariates in the probability models to examine whether these effects

can be detected and quantified (per recommendations and discussion by

Taylor and Knight 2003b).

It is important to note that designing our study to maintain the same

number of daily passes on transects among all four activities required

most effort for hiking and horseback riding, and least effort for ATV

riding. Specifically, to accomplish two runs per day required three

groups of hikers or horseback riders (with each group hiking

approximately 33 percent of transect length), but only one group of ATV

riders. By contrast, accomplishing two runs per day required two groups

of mountain bikers (with each group covering approximately 50 percent of

transect length).

Our results for elk might be different had we designed the study to test

animal response to an equal number of groups, or equal density, of

people engaged in the four off-road activities (i.e., the same number of

groups of people engaged in each activity, regardless of the number of

passes that could be accomplished), rather than testing for effects of

equal saturation of the study area (i.e., two daily passes on transects

for all four activities). In future analyses, we plan to explore the use

of the amount of time spent by each off-road activity as a covariate,

and possibly weight the movement rates and probabilities of flight

response by the inverse of time spent by each of the four off-road

activities. This weighting would help account for differences in effort

required among the four activities to achieve equal saturation of the

study area.

Our results may also change if elk eventually become "habituated" to

some or all of the off-road activities. We will evaluate this

possibility in future analyses by formally testing for replicate and

year effects under a random effects model, with repeated measures taken

on radio-collared animals over time (Kirk 1982). Analyses to test for

animal habituation to the off-road activities will be possible when all

three years of data are collected.

Mule Deer

In contrast to elk, mule deer showed little measurable response to the

off-road treatments. Movement rates increased slightly, however, during

periods of all four-off road activities except ATV riding. Deer may well

be responding to the treatments with fine-scale changes in habitat use,

rather than substantial increases in movement rates and flight


For example, it is possible that deer may respond to an off-road

activity by seeking dense cover, rather than running from the activity.

If mule deer are spending more time in dense cover, in reaction to any

of the off-road activities, this could result in reduced foraging

opportunities, and a subsequent reduction in opportunities to put on fat

reserves during summer that are needed for winter survival. Such

potential responses will be evaluated as part of future analyses.

Utility of Response Variables

Taylor and Knight (2003b) defined a variety of terms for measuring

animal responses to human activity. Neither movement rate nor

probability of a flight response was defined, however, because these

types of animal responses apparently have not been measured in past

research. We measured these two responses to human activity because both

variables can ultimately be used to estimate the energetic costs of

animal reactions to human activities. For example, movement rate can be

used as a background index of the rate of animal speed without human

activities, versus periods of human activities, to estimate the

additional energetic costs of increased movement, if any, in relation to

human activities (Ager et al. 2003).

Similarly, the probability of a flight response indicates how likely an

animal is to move at high speed in relation to its distance from a

human. This probability indicates how likely an animal is to run Wisdom

et al. 9

from a human activity, and thereby disrupt the animal's activities

related to energy acquisition (foraging) or energy conservation

(resting). Any movement away from an area in relation to human activity

has the potential disrupt these foraging and resting patterns, and

thereby cost energy (Johnson et al. 2004).

Future analyses will focus on the energetic costs, if any, to mule deer

and elk from exposure to each off-road activity. Additional analyses

also will include estimates of (1) the distance moved by an animal,

given a flight response; (2) the time required for an animal that

exhibits a flight response to return within a specified distance of the

animal's location before the flight; (3) the change in space use by an

animal, during or following periods of human activity, which may suggest

or reflect an animal seeking greater refuge from the human activity, as

compared to background or "null" use of space during periods of no human

activity; and (4) the degree to which animals spend time in forage

areas, gaining energy, versus time spent in non-foraging areas, during

each off-road activity versus control periods.

Implications for Recreation Management

Laws and policies of public land management emphasize multiple resource

uses. Management of timber, grazing, roads, minerals, and wilderness are

examples of traditional uses on lands administered by the U.S.

Department of Agriculture Forest Service and U.S. Department of Interior

Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the two largest federal landowners in

the United States. Public land managers now face the additional

challenge of serving a variety of off-road recreational uses that are

increasing rapidly, and that can be difficult to accommodate on the same

land area at the same time (Taylor and Knight 2003a).

New planning approaches are now underway in the Forest Service to

accommodate increasing off-road recreational demands while mitigating

the negative effects on species like elk (U.S. Department of Agriculture

Forest Service 2004). These approaches could consider two related

concepts: (1) off-road use rates and (2) off-road recreational

equivalents. We define off-road use rates as the number of passes per

unit time on a given linear route (primitive road or trail that we

referred to as transects) traveled by an off-road activity. Our results

show that one pass per day by any of the four off-road activities causes

increased movement rates and flight responses by elk.

We define off-road recreational equivalents as the ratio of ATV riders,

mountain bikers, horseback riders, and hikers that results in

approximately the same effect on a given resource, given the same

off-road use rate. In the case of elk, movement rates and probabilities

of flight were highest during ATV riding and lowest during horseback

riding and hiking. These effects were a result of one group of ATV

riders, two groups of mountain bikers, and three groups of horseback

riders or hikers required to complete one pass on the transects each

morning or afternoon. Consequently, the stronger effects posed by ATV

riding, combined with differences in the number of groups required of

each activity to achieve one pass on the transects, suggest that

recreational equivalents would exceed three groups of horseback riders

or hikers to every group of ATV riders, and exceed two groups of

mountain bike riders to every group of ATV riders.

While the formal methods of calculating the specific recreational

equivalents could be a subject of lengthy debate, the idea that

different levels of each off-road activity are required to approximate

the same effect on a given resource is logical and defensible.

Accordingly, off-road use rates and recreational equivalents could be

tested as potential concepts in helping allocate recreational activities

within and across watersheds on a given National Forest or BLM Field

Office. These concepts may be particularly relevant when derived from a

combination of response variables or resource uses. For example, effects

of each off-road activity on water quality, soil productivity, invasion

of exotic plants, and species sensitive to human activities could be

considered in deriving use rates and recreational equivalents.

Such an approach would demand a substantial increase in research on

effects of off-road activities. For management of elk, results from our

study will be most useful when estimates of the energetic costs, if any,

are derived for each of the four off-road activities in terms of use

rates and recreational equivalents. Energetic costs to elk from one pass

per day on a given linear route traveled by a Wisdom et al. 10

given off-road activity could be estimated, and the equivalent energetic

costs, given the same use rates, could be estimated among all off-road


Although these details are not yet available, managers could begin to

consider holistic management strategies for all off-road activities

based on our current findings. Some watersheds might feature

opportunities for ATV or mountain bike riding, for example, while other

watersheds might focus on opportunities for horseback riding or hiking.

Importantly, the watersheds identified for horseback riding or hiking

could accommodate a substantially higher number of groups engaged in

these off-road activities before realizing the same effects on elk as

would be expected in watersheds where ATV or mountain bike riding are

featured. This type of holistic management of different mixes of all

off-road activities contrasts with management approaches that focus on a

single off-road activity, without consideration of all off-road uses and

the cumulative effects from all activities.

Other strategies for watershed planning might simply focus on

restricting each recreational activity to specified trails or roads. In

this case, our results suggest that the effectiveness of such a strategy

would depend on how much area is affected by the network of trails or

roads allowed for use. If the linear distance of trails or roads open to

recreation is small relative to the total area of the watershed, the

effect on elk is likely to be minor or negligible. If the linear

distance is large relative to the size of the watershed, the negative

effect on elk could increase substantially. The specific effects could

be analyzed in the same manner as outlined for estimating effects of

motorized road traffic on elk, as done with "distance band" models

(Rowland et al. 2004).

Effective and defensible strategies to meet off-road recreation demands,

while also mitigating negative resource effects, are likely to require a

substantial increase in budgets of public land agencies for research,

management, and monitoring of these activities. Managers currently have

little knowledge with which to develop effective strategies in

partnership with the many public recreation users. Without such

knowledge, the debate about off-road recreation is likely to intensify,

with few scientifically based options for resolution in relation to

mitigating potential negative effects on species like elk that are

sensitive to human activities.


J. Boyd, A. Christensen, B. Dick, M. Rowland, R. Sparrowe, and M. Vavra

provided helpful reviews of our paper. The Oregon Department of Parks

and Recreation and the Pacific Northwest Research Station of U.S.

Department of Agriculture Forest Service provided funding. K. Munday and

B. Dick coordinated fieldwork among 33 people who implemented the

off-road activities. The ATV Grant Allocation Advisory Committee of

Oregon Department of Parks and Recreation, particularly N. Arbogast, P.

Harris, T. Hart, J. Barrell, and R. Parmelee, provided valuable

discussions about study designs most relevant to recreation management

on public lands.

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Table 1. Estimated probabilities (and approximate 95 percent Confidence

Limits) of a flight response by elk and mule deer as a function of

distance between animals and humans riding all-terrain vehicles (ATV),

mountain bikes (BIKE), horses (HORSE), or hiking (HIKE). On average

there were 128 deer or elk locations obtained during a given day of each

off-road activity (treatment periods). During periods of no human

activity (control periods), the null probability of a flight response is

0.05 (see text). Thus, any values >0.05 reflect an increased probability

of a flight response in relation an off-road activity.


100 meters (109 yards) from elk 0.62 (0.52-0.73) 0.58

(0.46-0.68) 0.50 (0.40-0.59) 0.52 (0.42-0.64)

500 meters (545 yards) from elk 0.43 (0.36-0.49) 0.31

(0.26-0.35) 0.22 (0.19-0.26) 0.15 (0.12-0.18)

1000 meters (1090 yards) from elk 0.25 (0.20-0.30) 0.13

(0.10-0.16) 0.07 (0.05-0.08) 0.06 (0.04-0.08)

All distances from elk 0.19 (0.17-0.21) 0.14 (0.12-0.16)

0.11 (0.09-0.12) 0.08 (0.07-0.10)

100 meters (109 yards) from deer 0.06 (0.01-0.11) 0.08

(0.02-0.14) 0.11 (0.03-0.19) 0.10 (0.04-0.17)

500 yards (545 yards) from deer 0.05 (0.02-0.07) 0.07

(0.04-0.10) 0.05 (0.03-0.07) 0.04 (0.02-0.05)

1000 meters (1090 yards) from deer 0.03 (0.01-0.06) 0.06

(0.03-0.08) 0.04 (0.02-0.06) 0.04 (0.02-0.06)

All distances from deer 0.03 (0.02-0.05) 0.05 (0.04-0.07)

0.04 (0.03-0.05) 0.04 (0.03-0.06)

1 Distance between an animal and human during each off-road activity.

Wisdom et al. 13

Figure 1. Boundaries of ungulate-proof enclosures at the Starkey

Experimental Forest and Range in northeast Oregon (bottom left), and

location of transects used for ATV activities in the 3,590-acre

(1,453-ha) northeast study area (upper right), site of the off-road

recreation study. Transects were similar in length and location for

mountain biking, hiking, and horseback riding as that shown here for ATV

activities. Wisdom et al. 14

Figure 2. Mean movement rate (speed, meters/minute) of elk, estimated

hourly on a 24-hour basis, Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), during periods

of no human activity (C) versus periods of ATV activity (ATV), hiking

(HIK), mountain bike riding (BIK), and horseback riding (HRS), from

April through October, 2002, in northeast study area of Starkey. Wisdom

et al. 15

Figure 3. Estimated probability (solid line encompassed by dashed lines

of the approximate 95 percent pointwise confidence interval) of a flight

response by elk during 2002 in relation to distance (meters [m]) from

humans riding an ATV, mountain bike, horseback, or hiking. A flight

response is defined as an animal movement with a speed exceeding the

95th percentile of speeds observed during periods of no human activity

(control period). The horizontal dashed line at the bottom of each graph

is the probability of a flight response by elk during periods of no

human activity, and this line represents the background or "null"

condition, above which significant elk response to the off-road

activities exists. Wisdom et al. 16

Figure 4. Mean movement rate (speed, meters/minute) of mule deer,

estimated hourly on a 24-hour basis, Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), during

periods of no human activity (C) versus periods of ATV activity (ATV),

hiking (HIK), mountain bike riding (BIK), and horseback riding (HRS)

during 2002 in northeast study area of Starkey. Wisdom et al. 17

Figure 5. Estimated probability (solid line encompassed by dashed lines

of the approximate 95 percent pointwise confidence interval) of a flight

response by mule deer during 2002 in relation to distance (meters, [m])

from humans riding an ATV, mountain bike, horseback, or hiking. A flight

response is defined as an animal movement with a speed exceeding the

95th percentile of speeds observed during periods of no human activity

(control period). The horizontal dashed line at the bottom of each graph

is the probability of a flight response by deer during periods of no

human activity, and this line represents the background or "null"

condition, above which significant deer response to the off-road

activities exists.