From a friend:
Mike, I will never again agree to be interviewed by a mountain biker for
anything -- documentary, video, thesis, term paper, magazine article, you
name it. I say this by hard and bitter experience. I have done so in the
past and what happened is that my words were twisted, taken out of context,
edited, and otherwise slanted to be, in several cases, the exact opposite of
what I actually said. Several promised to send me drafts -- which never
happened. One writer swore that the article was to appear in a reputable
magazine published by National Geographic -- and wound up being published in
Bicycling magazine. They are incapable of being impartial and will twist
the facts to suit their thesis.
Therefore, my standard response is, No, no and NO again. I do so
gently and with courtesy, saying that while "you" may be truly impartial and
honest, I have been tricked and swindled one time too many and therefore
"you" must bear the penalty. Period.
My advice to you is: Be careful!! Decline the request. Send her your
famous essay! And please do not refer her to me (;-))) -- I'm sure you
wouldn't anyway without my permission. I just hope to God that somebody
else doesn't sic her on to me. I sound bitter because I am -- I am still
furious at some of these cheats and liars.