Mon, 01 Oct 2001
I and two immediate neighbors own 10 acres of lovely native woodland
adjoining both Marin County Open Space (Cascade Canyon-White's Hill
Preserve) and Camp Tamarancho, which belongs to the Boy Scouts of America.
Mountain bikers have used two trails on our property to access single-track
mountain bike trails for both MCOSD and Tamarancho, despite the fact that
they are fully aware that doing so is trespassing on private property. Every
sign we've erected to post it as private property has been torn down bythe
mountain bikers, including those on steel poles set in concrete. We have
protested (for years now) to the BTC (which advertised our trails on their
website, drawing hundreds upon hundreds of mountain bikers from all over
Marin, the Bay Area, the State, the U.S., and even internationally), to the
MCOSD (which tried to claim the eastern access trail until a survey, said to
have cost them $150,000 of Marin taxpayers' money, proved what we had told
them all along, which was that the trail is on our property), to the Boy
Scouts of Marin (who are fully aware that there is no legal public access to
the trails at Tamarancho, and no parking available for bikers who drive to
the trails), all, alas, to little or no avail.
The environmental damage on our property has been horrendous: severe
erosion, deep ruts, narrow deer trails widened to as much as 5' across, root
damage to trees (which have then died and fallen), transmission by mountain
bikes of the Sudden Oak Death fungus (where the trees are not on the trails,
they are uniformly healthy), and more. The mountain bikers have brought
chain saws onto our land to cut trees and limbs out of their way, leaving
ugly piles of dead slash, and creating a serious fire hazard. When told
they are on private property (there are both signs and locked gates), they
spew obscenities and threaten us with violence. They have threatened to
burn my house down, threatened me with personal harm, repeatedly broken our
gate, and vandalized my husband's new truck. All of this is on record with
the Fairfax police and the Marin County District Attorney. At least where I
live, mountain biking is not a recreational sport; it's a criminal activity.
Who needs terrorists when we have mountain bikers? They fill the same
Sara Godwin