Do Humans Think?
Michael J. Vandeman, Ph.D.
December 15, 2013
"Our brains run mostly on
autopilot" p.5. "When
the brain finds a task it needs to solve, it rewires its own circuitry until it
can accomplish the task with maximum efficiency. The task becomes burned into
the machinery. This clever tactic accomplishes two things of chief importance
for survival. The first is speed. Automatization permits fast decision
making. … The second reason to burn tasks into the circuitry
is energy efficiency." pp.71-2. David Eagleman
"Thinking is the
hardest work there is, which is the probable reason so few engage in it." Henry
"Many receive
advice, but only the wise profit by it." Publilius
what avail are forty freedoms, without a blank spot on the map?" Aldo Leopold
every living creature [including humans!], there are places where it does not
belong." p.251 "I believe it is a public responsibility to safeguard
what we can of wilderness before the great push of man's numbers; and to
safeguard with it ... the shy wild ones that need man-less expanses in which to
thrive." p.262. Paul L. Errington, Of Predation and Life
"I confess to further
disquieting thoughts as to how much moral right man actually has to regard the
Earth as his exclusive possession, to despoil or befoul as he will. Man has or
should have some minimal responsibility toward the Earth he claims and toward
the other forms of life that have been on the Earth as long as or longer than
he has." Paul Errington, A Question of Values,
"If you want to be good to
the environment, stay away from it." Edward L. Glaeser
"The biggest thing for habitat and grizzly
bear conservation is managing human access. If you can keep people away,
you can keep grizzlies safe. Over 90 per cent of grizzly mortalities
in Alberta are caused by humans." Carl
"It is true to say that
large tracts of Tropical Africa are still sealed off from settlement by man
because they are occupied by the tsetse-fly" V. B. Wigglesworth, The Life of Insects,
"As humans we live with
the constant presumption of dominion. We believe that we own the world, that it
belongs to us, that we have it under our firm control. But the sailor knows all
too well the fallacy of this view. The sailor sits by his tiller, waiting and
watching. He knows he isn't sovereign of earth and sky, any more than the fish
in the sea or the birds in the air." Richard Bode, First You Have to Row a Little Boat, p.3.
"There is a way that
nature speaks, that land speaks. Most of the time we are simply not patient
enough, quiet enough, to pay attention to the story." Linda Hogan
"We need to witness our own limits transgressed, and
some life pasturing freely where we never wander." Henry
David Thoreau
In one large
sector of government we have a terrible set of politicians, because in our
electorate we have a terrible sector of voters. Speaking of media’s laser
targeting of political messaging, A.C. Grayling notes: “Hidden persuaders have
their easiest time with ingenuous persuadees. . . . Bertrand
Russell famously said, ‘Most people would rather die than think, and most
people do’, and an anecdote about Adlai Stevenson in the 1952 election sums up
the matter perfectly; told by an ardent supporter that he would definitely
receive the vote of every thinking person in the United States, Stevenson
replied: ‘I am glad to hear it; but I need a majority.’” (Democracy and Its
“There is no
expedient to which a man will not resort to avoid the real labor of thinking.”
Sir Joshua Reynolds
“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of
little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
It's obvious that humans can think,
or we wouldn't have Einsteins and Shakespeares.
It's also obvious that we sometimes don't think, or no one would smoke.
What determines if and when we think?
Wildlife provide a
good example. What is the first thing we, as children, learn about animals?
They run away, whenever we try to get close to them! And what do we think about
that fact? Nothing! Perhaps because that fact is
"inconvenient", we generally ignore it and never think about its
obvious implication: if we are to preserve our wildlife, we need, as much as
possible, to stay away from them! Even conservation biologists, who one would
think would take that information to heart, mostly ignore it. Try to find books
or even articles proposing setting aside habitat off-limits to humans. Try to
find even the vocabulary to discuss it. You will fail. The concept is so
foreign to us that no one has bothered to designate a subject category for such
literature. The word that should perform that function, "wilderness",
has evolved to the point that it now means the opposite: "human
As a freshman at the University of
California at Berkeley, I used to bicycle to school every day. I noticed that
whenever I took the same route, I would have the same thoughts. And whenever I
varied my route, I would bump into something new, and have a new idea. From
that I reasoned as follows: the brain consumes a lot of energy, although we
aren't aware of it. So in order to conserve energy, it goes on
"auto-pilot" whenever circumstances don't require it to think. That
is what allows us to perform many activities without giving them much thought.
I think it is also at least partly responsible for people holding on to
outmoded ways of thinking, long after their sell-by date.
How can we trigger the brain to apply itself? Personally, I like the "New Book" section
of the library. Invariably, I find several new books attractive enough to check
out. Or sometimes, I will simply scan all of the books on the shelves, looking
for something new to read about. But what about the topics that no one, or
almost no one, has written about? How can we, for example, take a walk through
our parks open to whatever the wildlife can teach us?
A good example is what happened to me once
on a backpacking trip in the Boy Scouts. Our custom was to call for a
five-minute break every hour or so during our long hikes. One time I happened
to lie down on my back under a tree, with my head next to the trunk (I had
probably never considered doing that before, because I didn't want to have
insects crawling on me). While watching the top of the tree swaying in the
wind, I suddenly felt that I knew what it was like to be a tree! It lived its
entire life in one spot, and yet it was happy to do so, in contrast with us,
who are continually searching for happiness by trekking all over the globe. I
was so used to looking at trees from one single point of view that my brain had
nothing novel to trigger it to think differently about trees (yesterday I heard
of another such mind-changing technique: hiking barefoot).
So how can we induce our brains to wake up
and come up with the new ways of thinking that will undoubtedly be required by
tomorrow's challenges? I suggest introducing occasional bits of randomness into
our lives. And practicing trying on points of view that buck
the tides and require the courage to stand up to the mass of humanity that are on
Stephen A. and Fred B. Samson, Nonconsumptive
Outdoor Recreation: An Annotated Bibliography of Human-Wildlife Interactions.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service
Special Scientific Report -- Wildlife No. 252, 1983.
David, Incognito – The Secret Lives of the Brain. New York: Pantheon
Books, 2011.
Foreman, Dave, Confessions of an Eco-Warrior. New York: Harmony Books,
Noss, Reed F., "The Ecological Effects of Roads", in
"Killing Roads", Earth First!
Noss, Reed F. and Allen Y. Cooperrider, Saving
Nature's Legacy: Protecting and Restoring Biodiversity. Island
Press, Covelo, California, 1994.
Pryde, Philip R., Conservation in the Soviet Union. London:
Cambridge University Press, 1972.
Reed, Sarah E. and Adina M. Merenlender, "Quiet, Nonconsumptive
Recreation Reduces Protected Area Effectiveness". Conservation
Letters, 2008, 1–9.
Christopher D., Should Trees Have Standing? Toward Legal
Rights for Natural Objects. Los Altos, California: William Kaufmann, Inc., 1973.
Terborgh, John, Carel van Schaik, Lisa
Davenport, and Madhu Rao, eds., Making Parks Work.
Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 2002.
Vandeman, Michael
J., "Wildlife Need Habitat Off-Limits to Humans!", 1997.
Peter Douglas, The End of Evolution: On Mass
Extinctions and the Preservation of Biodiversity. New York: Bantam Books,
Douglas R., A Little Corner of Freedom. Russian Nature
Protection from Stalin to Gorbachev. Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1999.
Wildlands Project", Wild Earth. Richmond, Vermont: The Cenozoic Society,
(learning and unlearning how to ride a bicycle)